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LS-KIDS CO., LTD. 自龍昇開發貿易,整合所有資源於2011年六月獨立成立 ’’龍昇國際興業’’ ( LS-KIDS ) 我們將不斷提供全世界最優質、最安全的商品給台灣及全世界小朋友。陪伴她(他) 們一起幸福成長 ~ The greatest happiness to the growth for our children! 我們是一群忙碌的科技人放下高科技產業。投入對於自己小孩的關懷與付出及關愛,我們決定投入全部的時間陪伴孩子們的成長。並秉持著相同的執著信念,堅持提供高品質,豐富的創造力,益智及啟發性 的孩童商品,希望全球的小朋友都能快樂無慮的朝向未來發展。 1. 努力用心,堅持高品質商品,帶給更多小孩快樂及優質的未來。 2. 優質團隊,創造價值,,延續品牌精神。 3. 我們對待合作夥伴是以信任,長期合作發展並分享我們共同理念。 核心價值 - Accompany children grow
Amer Sports (www.amersports.com) is the world’s leading sports equipment company with internationally recognized brands including Salomon, Wilson, Precor, Atomic, Suunto, Acr’teryx, Mavic and Bonfire. Amer Sports Group develops and manufactures technically advanced products that improve the performance of active sports participants. The Group’s business is balanced by our broad portfolio of sports and our presence in all major markets. To support the tremendous business growth, Amer Sports Group has established a HK based sourcing office, Amer Sports Sourcing Limited, to lead all Asia sourcing operations of its brands. Amer Sports Asia Sourcing is now looking for high caliber candidates with a passion for sports to join and grow with the Company for below listed vacancy.
認識我們:『芝麻街』這個以大鳥為首,且不須任何廣告,即高居全美收視之冠的兒童節目,是由美國C.T.W(Children`s Television Worksho
認識我們: 『芝麻街』這個以大鳥為首的兒童節目,是由美國C.T.W(Children`s Television Workshop)公司所製作。自1969年播出
福鹿內衣自西元1970年創業以來,即秉持著『勤儉立業』的創業精神,三十多年來穩定成長,由內衣、內褲等衣著類的製造販賣、之後又跨足孕婦裝及童裝等區塊,創業之初以外銷中東、香港等地區市場主要發展區域,近年逐漸轉型內著類的OEM專業廠。 邁進21世紀之際,福鹿公司將持續精進,秉持永續經營的理念,在誠信務實的基石上我們更以專業、服務、創新的理念軌道及節能環保產業的領域,為顧客提供專業的優質服務,展開多角化的經營,為持續的永續經營而共同努力。 Fulu Underwear Business was founded in 1970 as a down-to-earth enterprise. It has since been growing steadily from manufacturing lingerie and underwear to maternity and children clothing. Fulu started its business by exporting to Middle East, Hong Kong and other major countries. In recent years, Fulu has transformed itself to an underwear OEM expertise factory. As we enter the 21st century, Fulu will maintain its mission of continuous innovation and sustainable development. We are committed to providing our clients with high quality and professional service, and at the same time protect our environment. Fulu will continue to expand and diversify its business, and dedicating itself to a sustainable corporate concept of joint prosperity.
金立洋企業有限公司成立於1985年,公司主要為設計及生產製造「電子音樂塑膠玩具」,近年來更將產品研發方向擴展至「消費性電子產品」。在台灣,我們除了有貿易接單的『業務部門』,負責將產品行銷及銷售至世界各地外,亦有陣容堅強的『研發設計部門』,專門負責從事新品及高科技產品之研發設計。 為了在市場上更具競爭力,公司將勞力密集之『生產製造部門』設立於中國大陸廣東省深圳市,從研發設計到生產出貨都是由公司一貫作業完成,對於品質及交貨都能完全符合客戶及市場要求。 我們的產品遍及世界各地並廣受好評,每位兒童在與D.J.TOYS互動的同時,除了得到樂趣之外,更能從中得到啟發性之教育功能,是我們一貫理念與宗旨。 本公司所有產品皆符合CE認證、RoHs標準,產品通過EN71 / EMC / EN62115 或EN50088測試,且自2004年起大陸深圳工廠成為第14個ICTI認證的工廠。 一、我們的經營理念----誠信為首、務實優先;創新突破 放眼未來。 二、我們的核心價值觀----創造價值、回饋社會。 三、我們的企業經營信條----信譽為本、質量為先;共同成長、創造未來。 四、我們的經營成功要素---找對目標、用對方法、下定決心、堅持到底;肯定自己、欣賞別人、同心協力、追求卓越。 五、我們的企業使命-----創新產品、領導潮流、營造兒童快樂天堂。 六、我們的企業精神----化不可能為可能;Impossible→I’m possible。 七、我們的服務理念----提供全方位的完善服務(設計、生產、銷售、信息反饋),讓顧客滿意。 八、我們的企業口號----努力、努力、再努力;用心、用心、再用心。 九、幹部必備的條件----一能二識三心;工作技能;專業知識、法規知識;責任心、提攜心、進取心。 十、我們的工作精神----沒有最好、只有更好。 DJ TOYS Philosophy Our aim is to make toys which are developmentally appropriate to help child make connections in the developing brain. We design toys to help parents and children enjoy playtimes together as one western saying A family that plays together stays together. Milestone 1983 Established in Taiwan 1985 D.J. Logo registered 1993 China factory set up in Shenzhen 2000 Product E70 won Toy Design Award 2000 Products distributed to world-known retailers TRU, Walmart, KB Toys, Woolworth … etc. 2001 Work with TOHO on OEM project in Japanese market 2001 Work with Simba, one of the biggest importers in European market 2004 Product EA1 won Toy Design Award 2004 Work with Bontempi, one of the biggest importers in European market, on license project 2004 Headquarter moved to Taichung 2004 The 14th member awarded with ICTI certificate 2006 Product PR63 won another Toy Design Award 2007 Managing Director, Sherry Lo, appointed as the Supervisor at Taiwan Toy Manufacturers’ Association Moved to new factory in Shenzhen,China 得獎記錄 2000/2002/2005/2006/2007年 榮獲玩具設計優良獎 公司網址 http://www.djtoys.com.tw
We are one of leading companies in global for Auto Optical Inspection systems for Display and Solar industries. Company was established in year 2005 by several PhD in USA, which have >10 years AOI experience in semiconductor industry. In order to reach companys fast growth in both China and Taiwan, we are looking for smart and hard working style partners to join our family.
Original Design, Total Branding Solution Cerebrum Design is the “ innovative one-stop ” design branding consultancy firm. We understand that a strong brand foundation is essential for brand success and that innovation is a key driver for business growth. We comprehend our creativity with the logical sense of marketability and commercial viability, while Managing brand image consistency through out the process. We are experience creators, bridging consumer’s aspirations with the core values of brands today. Cerebrum Design is one of the most established design consultancy in Taiwan and Thailand, and the business footprint extends to Sweden, India, Cambodia, France, Singapore, China / Hong Kong, and Japan. With these project experience, Cerebrum Design develops extensive creative insights about consumer trends and design trends in the global market. Cerebrum Design always been referred on exploring Asian insights and at the same time, assisted Asian brands and manufacturers to develop creative products as well as a distinctive brand identity for the global market.
The story of Eddy’s Cantina Back in the old country Mario and Rosa Gonzalez the young newly weds of Guadalajara had their first born child (a girl named Irlanda) and then immigrated to Canada. Shortly after in the small town of Kitimat B.C. Canada Eddy and younger brother Kyle were born. Since childhood Mario and Rosa taught the children the secrets of cooking Mexican food that were taught to them by their parents. Some time later Eddy moved to Taipei where he met his soon to be wife Jo Tzeng. After they married Jo mentioned that her dream was to open a small eatery or coffee shop because she was really a people person. The couple agreed but Eddy insisted that everything should be Mexican so they decided to open a burrito stand to first see how people would react to Mexican food in Taiwan,they called it Eddy Burrito. 10 months flew by and the couple decided to move to a nearbylocation where they could offer customers decent food at a decent price in a decent atmosphere. Eddy’s Cantina was born. Now the couple runs the small restaurant where customers can come and get Mexican food and Mexican Drinks at reasonable prices. 我們的故事 從前一對來自墨西哥瓜達拉哈拉的新婚夫妻—馬力歐(Mario)和羅莎(Rosa),他們育有一個可愛的女兒叫愛爾蓮達(Irlanda)艾迪的媽媽,隨後移民到加拿大。多年後,在加拿大的一個小鎮Kitimat,艾迪和弟弟凱爾(Kyle)誕生了。艾迪和凱爾小時候父母就開始傳授他們的墨西哥菜家傳食譜,就如他們的祖父母曾經傳授給他們父母一樣。 後來艾迪在台灣遇見了他的妻子Jo。Jo曾經對艾迪說過,因為她是一個好客的人,所以夢想可以開一家餐廳或咖啡廳。艾迪希望能夠以墨西哥菜為主題,所以為了想要進一步了解台灣人對墨西哥菜的反應,他們在淡水老街,從一個賣墨西哥捲餅的攤子做起,這個小攤子就叫做『艾迪捲餅』(Eddy Burrito)。 就這樣十個月過了,他們決定找個好一點的地方,提供給顧客更好的用餐環境跟品質,於是在附近開了這家小餐廳,以最平實的價格,提供大家最道地的墨西哥餐飲;『艾迪墨西哥餐廳』就此誕生。
GBS started as a trading company in 2003 to serve the semiconductor market in Singapore. Its earlier products were mainly precision machined parts from Korea which were fast becoming a commodity as the industry matured. In order to remain relevant in the marketplace, a better definition was made to our business strategy. Our goal is to create sustainable and differentiated value propositions to our customers by leveraging on our Partners’ core competencies, our network and developing local expertise in supporting the defined products and services. In line with the business strategy in moving up the value chain, we have set up a Heater Pedestal refurb facility in Singapore in 2009 under a licensing agreement with our US’s technology partner, Aceco Precision Manufacturing – a 5 times Intel (2005-2009) PQS Award winner. As part of our growth strategies; growing beyond Singapore and Semiconductor. An associated company, GBS (Taiwan) was incorporated in Hsinchu in 2009 to serve our customers in Taiwan and China. Leveraging on our Partners’ technologies meant for semiconductor manufacturing, new applications were developed in new market segments such in the Defense, LED and Solar manufacturing.
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